2024-2025 Academic Catalog 2024-2025 Academic Catalog |
Catalog Information
While every effort is made to assure accuracy at the release of the catalog, Concord University reserves the right to delete, change, or amend the information in this Catalog as necessary. Students are to follow the program requirements of the catalog year they matriculated in under. However, it is the student's responsibility to know and comply with current University policies. Licensure and accreditation regulations may require additional non-published admission requirements in some programs. Candidates in these programs should check current admission requirements with the department office administering these programs.
Navigating the Catalog
The online catalog contains a number of helpful features and the information below with assist you in navigating the catalog.
Progression Sheet
View a print-friendly version of the degree requirements in a checklist format.
My Portfolio
Create a personal portfolio to keep track on all the areas that apply to your interests. Just create an account with your email. It is completely free!
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This notice will appear at the top of the page for any past catalogs. Information in past catalogs may not be accurate.