2019-2020 Academic Catalog (August 2019 - July 2020) 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2019-2020 Academic Catalog (August 2019 - July 2020) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Communication Arts

  • COMM 349 Public Relations Writing & Campaigns

    Practices the skills involved in writing PR related materials especially in regard to a strategic promotional campaign.

  • COMM 350 Internship: Communication


  • COMM 359 Communication Law

    Prerequisites: None
    The study of mass communication law including print, broadcast, and cable regulations, but First Amendment freedoms studied also apply to interpersonal speech. Current events are examined as well as case histories in fields such as libel, obscenity and indecency, privacy, copyright, and commercial speech.

  • COMM 411 Rhetorical Theory & History

    Advanced study of rhetorical theories.

  • COMM 420 Special Topics: Communication

    Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing
    Directed individual study and work in the field of communication in which the student will work closely with an instructor to acquire new skills, knowledge, or expertise beneficial to their career goals; Under this general heading, special areas of study are available to the student who wants to gain additional education in the field of communication.  A student is permitted to take more than one 420 course.  However, within any emphasis, only 3 hours of 420 credit can count towards a student's major requirements, with any additional hours counting as elective credit.

  • COMM 422 Rhetorical Criticism

    Seminar considering methods and theories used to explain and analyze rhetorical messages.

  • COMM 430 Seminar

    Special seminar class offered to further educate students on topics in the field of Communication.  This course will vary and may be taken more than once.

  • COMM 435 Public Relations Cases

    Prerequisites: COMM 250  
    Explores a variety of public relations problems using the case study approach.

  • COMM 440 Independent Study

    Prerequisites: COMM 250  
    Explores a variety of public relations problems using the case study approach.

  • COMM 450 Internship

    Prerequisites: Junior or Senior Standing
    A capstone experience completed in the community or a communication organization.  The experience may involve an internship or faculty-guided project pursuant to the student's vocational or graduate school objectives.

  • COMM 460 Practicum

    Prerequisites: Junior or Senior Standing
    A capstone experience completed in the community or a communication organization.  The experience may involve an internship or faculty-guided project pursuant to the student's vocational or graduate school objectives.

  • COMM 470 Communication Research

    Prerequisites: Junior or Senior Standing
    Focuses on learning qualitative and quantitative research methods, analyzing study designs and results and applying research methodology through original student projects.


Computer Science

  • CS 151 Introduction to Computer Science

    What is Computer Science? How do you tell a computer what to do? An introduction to the field of Computer Science and algorithmic problem solving. Topics include: Variables, Data Types, Decision and Repetition Statements, Functions, File Manipulation, and Lists. 

  • CS 221 Computer Networking

    Prerequisites: CS 151  with a grade of "C" or better.
    Principles of computer networks.  Protocol design and implementation, network security, distributed and cluster computing.

  • CS 232 Introduction to Computer Security

    Prerequisites: CS 151   with a grade of "C" or better
    What are the risks involved with computing and how can we address them? An overview of risks, threats, and vulnerabilities related to computing. 

  • CS 252 Data Structures and Object Oriented Programming

    Prerequisites: CS 151  with a grade of "C" or better.
    What are common tools that we use to solve problems and organize computer code? An introduction to object oriented programming concepts, fundamental data structures and algorithms, the construction of graphic user interfaces, and the software development life-cycle. Topics include Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists, Binary Trees, Hash Tables, Graphs, Searching and Sorting Algorithms. 

  • CS 253 Software Engineering

    Prerequisites: CS 151  with a grade of "C" or better
    How do you design and construct large pieces of software in teams? What is quality software? Techniques for designing, building, testing, deploying, and maintaining large scale software systems. Topics include Agile Software Development, Software Evolution, Ethics, Project Planning and Management, Quality and Reliability Measurement, and Configuration Management. 

  • CS 261 Introduction to Intelligent Systems

    Prerequisites: CS 151   with a grade of "C" or better.
    What does it mean to be computer "intelligent"? Characteristics and application of systems that exhibit human-like behavior. Topics include supervised, reinforcement, and unsupervised learning.

  • CS 272 Human Centered Design

    Prerequisites: CS 151  with a grade of "C" or better. 
    How do we create interfaces that are easy for humans to use? What ways do computers impact humans? Exploration of the impact of computing on society. Topics include graphical user interface design, ethical considerations in computing, laws and policies related to computing. 

  • CS 275 Special Topics in Computer Science

    Prerequisites: CS 201  
    Individual courses on selected Computer Science topics.  Open to both majors and non-majors.

  • CS 281 Linux System Administration

    Prerequisites: CS 151  with a grade of "C" or better.
    What is Linux and how is it used in organizations? An introduction to administering multi-user servers running the Linux operating systems. Topics include fundamental Linux commands, package management, shell scripting, and configuration management tools. 

  • CS 282 Database and Information Management

    Prerequisites: CS 151  with a grade of "C" or better.
    How can we effectively organize and access large amounts of information? Topics include data modeling and normalization, database design, change management, structured query language, regulatory compliance, and disaster recovery.

  • CS 283 Data Analytics

    Prerequisites: CS 151  with a grade of "C" or better.
    How can we use large amounts of data to make decisions? The manipulation, analysis, visualization, and presentation of large data sets. Applications of machine learning algorithms to make predictions based on data.

  • CS 325 Computer Organization and Hardware

    Prerequisites: CS 252  with a grade of "C" or better.
    How is your computer built from the ground up? How does the machine impact software? Fundamentals of computer hardware. How computer hardware works from the bottom up, starting at the circuit level and ending at the operating system level. Topics include Boolean Logic and Circuits, Boolean Arithmetic, Assembly Language, CPU Architecture, Memory Organization, Assembler Implementation, Syntax Analysis and Code Generation.

  • CS 326 Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

    Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor
    Supervised experience as instructional assistant for college courses in computer science. Emphasis on applying modern pedagogical practices. Students will actively attend at least two lecture sections per week with additional time committed to assessment, course development, or tutoring. Repeatable for credit.

  • CS 331 Digital Forensics and Incident Response

    Prerequisites: CS 232  
    How do we deal with the aftermath of a computer security incident? Topics include digital investigative techniques, gathering and assessment of evidence. 

  • CS 332 Network Security

    Prerequisites: CS 232  
    How do we defend against cyber attacks? An overview of strategies for cyber attack and defense. Penetration testing. 

  • CS 333 Secure Coding

    Prerequisites: CS 232   
    How can we create software that is safe from attack? Techniques and practices of developing secure software. Topics include common software vulnerabilities, SEI CERT Coding Standards, and code analysis tools. 

  • CS 351 Web Development

    Prerequisites: CS 282  
    How do we create software that runs on the internet? An introduction to building internet based applications. Topics include front-end and back-end development, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and modern web frameworks. 

  • CS 352 Mobile Development

    Prerequisites: CS 252  
    How can we create software that runs on mobile devices? An introduction to building applications for mobile devices. Students will work in teams to design and create their own mobile applications. 

  • CS 353 Game Development

    Prerequisites: CS 252  
    How are video games made? An introduction to designing and constructing video games.

  • CS 357 Parallel and Distributed Computing

    Prerequisites: CS 252  
    How can we use multiple processors and multiple computers to solve problems? Why is it hard? Topics include: concurrent programming in a functional language, task decomposition, performance evaluation, communication models, synchronization mechanisms, distributed architectures, coordination, fault tolerance, and consistency. 

  • CS 374 Introduction to Simulation and Modeling

    Prerequisites: CS 151  (with a grade of "C" or better) and MATH 253  
    How can computers represent real world objects and phenomena? Application of computers to create digital prototypes of physical models. 

  • CS 376 Artificial Intelligence

    Prerequisites: CS 261  
    How do we apply artificial intelligence in a useful way? Topics include search, knowledge representation, natural language processing and multi-agent systems. 

  • CS 381 System Analysis & Design

    Prerequisites: CS 282 .
    How can businesses benefit from the use of technology? Systematic methodology for analyzing a business problem or opportunity, determining what role, if any, computer-based technologies can play in addressing the business need, articulating business requirements for the technology solution, specifying alternative approaches to acquiring the technology capabilities needed to address the business requirements, and specifying the requirements for the information systems solution.

  • CS 384 DevOps

    Prerequisites: CS 282  
    How can developers and information technology specialists work together? The goal of DevOps is to provide rapid deployment of reliable and scalable software services through communication, collaboration, and automation. Topics include continuous integration, continuous delivery, infrastructures as code, monitoring and logging systems, and models of collaboration. 

  • CS 420 Special Topics

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor
    Extended study of special topics in Computer Science

  • CS 421 Operating Systems

    Prerequisites: CS 325  
    What is the purpose of an operating system? How do operating systems work? An introduction to the design and implementation of operating systems. Topics include System Calls, Process and Memory Management, Concurrent Processes and Threads, and File Systems. 

  • CS 440 Independent Study

    Prerequisites: Application must be made and approved by a committee before the student can register for independent study.
    Students work on problems outside the scope of normal courses under minimal supervision.  Students must give an oral presentation and a written summary of project.

  • CS 442 Analysis of Algorithms

    Prerequisites: CS 252  and MATH 219  
    How do we design and evaluate effective algorithms? What are the limits of computation? Topics include empirical analysis of algorithms, computational complexity classes, and the following design techniques: brute-force, greedy, divide-and-conquer, recursive, backtracking, and dynamic programming. 

  • CS 443 Programming Languages and Translators

    Prerequisites: CS 325  and MATH 219  
    What are the mathematical principles underlying programming languages and compilers? Formal definitions of programming languages, including introduction to design, structure, and use of translators for programming languages, and related automata theory topics. 

  • CS 455 Image Processing

    Prerequisites: CS 252 , MATH 303 , MATH 425 ; PHYS 317 
    Development of the standard topics of image processing including image enhancement in spatial and frequency domains, filtering, wavelets and multiresolution processing, image compression and segmentation with an emphasis on their mathematical foundations.

  • CS 456 Capstone Project

    Prerequisites: Junior or Senior status in CS or CIS, approval of instructor 
    What have you learned? Students will work in teams to complete a capstone project. 

  • CS 460 Practicum I

    Prerequisites: Mathematics or Computer Information Systems major with junior or senior standing and consent of instructor.
    Field experience in data processing environments. Provides opportunity to relate principles to practical applications in the computer and/or computer information-processing fields. Student must submit a written report.

  • CS 480 Honors Courses

    Juniors and seniors who qualify for Honors courses are offered the opportunity to study with individual members of the faculty.  This is specialized study apart from conventional classroom work.  Application must be made and approved by a committee before the student can register for the honors course.

  • CS 498 McNair Scholars Research

    McNair Scholars Research



  • CRIM 111 Crime and Justice Systems

    Introduces the field of criminology through the examination of historical data, social control of behavior, development of laws, and evaluation of the criminal justice system.  Students learn the terminology of the field, gain an awareness of the methods of inquiry utilized in the field, and have the opportunity to examine personal attitudes and values regarding crime and responses to crime.

  • CRIM 210 Deviant Behavior

    A study of deviance as social process. Considers historical and cross-cultural variation in definitions of deviance; the process of labeling deviant behavior; and the development and management of deviant identities.

  • CRIM 211 Policing and the Community

    Introduces the history, function, and role of policing in American society.  Practical and critical approaches to law enforcement are examined to explore prevailing and dissenting perspectives on the issues covered.

  • CRIM 225 Violence in Society

    Introduces the leading theories and research in the area of violent criminal behavior and victimization.  A special emphasis is on patterns of violent offending and victimization over time, victim-offender relationships, and the experience of victims in the criminal justice system.  Addresses major violent crimes including murder, rape, robbery, abuse and assault.

  • CRIM 229 Sociology of Law

    This course explores the complex relationships between the legal system and the everyday social world while also exploring the importance of authority, power and identity.  It provides students with tools and knowledge to critically analyze and better understand their social environment and everyday notions of legal authority and experience.

  • CRIM 303 Criminology

    A study of the causes of crime and criminal behavior.  Major categories of crime, including property crime, violent crime and white-collar crime are considered.

  • CRIM 311 Juvenile Delinquency

    The social and historical philosophy of children in the legal system will be investigated.  An examination of the socio-legal aspects of delinquency, including a critical analysis of trends and contemporary treatment.

  • CRIM 320 Special Topics

    Courses on various topics in Criminology. Topics of study will be indicated on student's transcript. May be taken for repeated credit. 

  • CRIM 322 Drugs and Society

    This course looks at the major facts and issues concerning criminal justice and drug-taking behavior in America today. Building on sociological theory, the class explores the social problems associated with drug use and the theoretical reasons for drug use and abuse. It delves into the complex relationship between drug-taking behavior and crime. 

    Also listed as: SOC 322  
  • CRIM 336 Corrections

    Examines the historical, legal and philosophical systemic nature of correctional intervention through social work and other professions in the area of courts, institutions, and community based corrections. Attention is given to prevention and aftercare dynamics. 

  • CRIM 450 Criminology Internship

    Prerequisites: Senior level Sociology majors only.  Consent of Instructor required.
    The supervised internship provides students with the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations in an appropriate private, government or non-profit setting.


Early Childhood Regents Bachelor of Arts

  • ECRB 100 ECRB Orientation

    Prerequisites: Enrollment in the ECRB program
    This course provides ECRB students with an overview of the ECRB program. Blackboard training, course structure and expectations, as well as professional behaviors and expectations are covered. Additionally, the course provides students with information regarding how their Regents Bachelor of Arts degree with an emphasis in Early Childhood can be put to use. 

  • ECRB 200 Child Development of Infants and Young Children

    Investigates development of infants, toddlers, and preschool aged children.  Social-emotional, cognitive, motor and language development are covered.  Course content is appropriate for individuals working in a childcare setting.  A 20 hour field experience is embedded in the course.

  • ECRB 201 Environments for Infants and Young Children

    Provides child care workers with the necessary knowledge and skills to set up and maintain high quality environments for infants, toddlers, and preschool aged children, as well as Infant, Toddler, and Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scales are included in course curriculum.  A 20 hour field experience is embedded in the course.

  • ECRB 202 Language and Literacy for Young Children

    Provides child care workers with the necessary knowledge and skills to set up and maintain high quality environments for infants, toddlers, and preschool aged children that foster and enhance language development.  A 20 hour field experience is embedded in the course.

  • ECRB 300 Social Studies for Young Children

    Provides child care workers with the necessary knowledge and skills to set up and maintain high quality environments for infants, toddlers, and preschool aged children that foster and enhance social skills.  Course participants will develop and implement developmentally appropriate activities suitable for child care settings.  A 20 hour field experience is embedded in the course.

  • ECRB 301 Math for Young Children

    Provides child care workers with the necessary knowledge and skills to set up and maintain high quality environments for infants, toddlers,and preschool aged children that foster and enhance emergent math skills.  Course participants will develop and implement developmentally appropriate activities suitable for child care settings.  A 20 hour field experience is embedded in the course.

  • ECRB 302 Science for Young Children

    Provides child care workers with the necessary knowledge and skills to set up and maintain high quality environments for infants, toddlers, and preschool aged children that foster and enhance emergent science skills.  Course participants will develop and implement developmentally appropriate activities suitable for child care settings.  A 20 hour field experience is embedded in the course.

  • ECRB 303 Creative Arts for Young Children

    Provides child care workers with the necessary knowledge and skills necessary to set up and maintain high quality environments for infants, toddlers,and preschool aged children that foster and enhance creativity.  Course participants will develop and implement developmentally appropriate activities suitable for child care settings.  A 20 hour field experience is embedded in the course.

  • ECRB 304 Guiding the Behavior of Young Children 1

    Provides child care workers with the necessary knowledge and skills to set up and maintain high quality environments for infants, toddlers, and preschool aged children that foster and enhance positive behavior.  Course participants will develop and implement developmentally appropriate behavior management programs suitable for child care settings.  A 20 hour field experience is embedded in the course.

  • ECRB 305 Guiding the Behavior of Young Children 2

    Provides child care workers with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively handle challenging behaviors of infants, toddlers, and preschool aged children.  Course participants will evaluate behavior management programs and conduct functional behavior assessments.  Course participants will also design and implement behavior intervention plans appropriate for the child care setting.  A 20 hour field experience is embedded in the course.

  • ECRB 306 Technology for Child Care

    Provides child care workers with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively operate and embed appropriate technology within the environments established for infants, toddlers, and preschool aged children.  Emphasis will be given on enhancing communication between child care and the family through the use of current technology.  A 20 hour field experience is embedded in the course.

  • ECRB 307 Working with Families of Young Children

    This course prepares the child care worker in serving familes of infants, toddlers, and preschool aged children.  The role of external groups and establishment of effective home-school-community interactions are studied.  Topics related to communication, diversity within family systems, and collaboration are also included.  A 20 hour field experience is embedded in the course.

  • ECRB 400 Child Care For Young Children with Special Needs

    This course investigates the childcare's role in the care of children with developmental delays and/or exceptionalities.  Federal laws and state policies pertaining to you children with special needs are included.  Early intervention programming is examined and includes ethical considerations in referral processes and intervention. Methods and Materials appropriate for the child care worker's interaction with young children exhibiting developmental delays and/or exceptionalities are also examined. A 20 hour field experience is embedded in the course.

  • ECRB 402 Intro of Assessment in Child Care

    Provides child care workers with knowledge and skills necessary to set up and maintain high quality assessment programs for infants, toddlers, and preschool aged children that ensure developmental milestones are achieved.  Various assessment techniques will be introduced.  A 20 hour field experience is embedded in the course.

  • ECRB 403 Application of Assessment in Child Care

    Various assessment techniques appropriate for use in the child care setting with infants, toddlers, and preschool aged children will be implemented and analyzed.  The course will also focus on the appropriate use of assessment data in the child care setting in regard to parent communication, planning strategies, collaborative consultation with other professionals.  A 20 hour field experience in embedded in the course.

  • ECRB 404 Early Childhood Capstone

    Prerequisites: ECRB majors only
    This course investigates the current and relevant early childhood professional literature. Special emphasis is given to published research studies. Recognizing and appropriately using quality research publications is included. A review of the current literature regarding a chosen research topic is required. Research topics must be relevant to an issue within the professional setting.



  • ECON 203 Principles of Microeconomics

    Introductory course examining how scarce resources are allocated through market mechanism. Specifically, decision making by households and firms under scarcity will be addressed. 

  • ECON 204 Principles of Macroeconomics

    Introductory course that analyzes the behavior of the aggregate economy. Pertinent issues include national income determination, inflation, unemployment, economic growth, and others. 

  • ECON 420 Special Topics: Economics

    Prerequisites: Based upon course content, the instructor will determine required prerequisite(s).
    . Selected topics in the contemporary economics environment will be explored.

  • ECON 440 Independent Study: Economics


  • ECON 470 Research




  • EDUC 210 Diversity, Culture, and Education in a Pluralistic Society

    Prerequisites: Minimum of 15 hours of college credit.
    Co-requisites: Enrolled in EDSP 303  (SPED 303) concurrently.

    An examination of the cultural/sociological, historical, political, and philosophical roots of American education.  A 25-hour school-based field experience is required.  A grade of C or better is required of education majors.

  • EDUC 220 Special Topics in Education

    Prerequisites: Specified by instructor.
    An extended study of special topics in education.

  • EDUC 301 Educational Technology

    Prerequisites: EDUC 210  and EDSP 303  (SPED 303)  with a minimum grade of "C"
    Co-requisites: EDUC 305  

    This course provides teacher candidates with the theory, knowledge and application of technology to teaching, learning and the curriculum. The course is based on the ISTE standards and the 21st Century Learning Skills. A grade of C or better is required.

  • EDUC 304 Developmentally Appropriate Practice

    Prerequisites: EDUC 210  or EDSP 303  (SPED 303) or consent of instructor.
    An introduction to the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development of elementary age children (K-6). Provides learning experiences related to developmentally, culturally and linguistically appropriate instructional practices and strategies. A 25 hour school-based field experience is required.  A grade of C or better is required.

  • EDUC 305 Psychology of Teaching and Learning

    Prerequisites: EDUC 210   and EDSP 303  (SPED 303) with a minimum grade of "C"
    Co-requisites: EDUC 301 

    The study of various educational theories, principles, and their implications for teaching and learning.  Emphasis is placed on the linkage of educational theory with educational practice in the classroom. A 25-hour school-based field experience is required. A grade of C or better is required.

  • EDUC 306 Classroom Management and Instruction

    Prerequisites: Admission into the Teacher Education Program
    This course involves study and implementation of best practices for classroom management as well as an analysis of the process of effective teaching. Teaching strategies designed to enhance the learning of students will be practiced. Incorporated within the process of instructional strategies will be integration of classroom management strategies. This course enables the student to continue to progress toward being a reflective intentional practitioner. The activities and exercises help the student to evaluate effective teaching environments and variables such as classroom management, cultural diversity, appropriate instructional techniques, and the integration of technology. A 25 hour field experience is required. 

  • EDUC 307 Language Arts and Writing Across the Curriculum

    Prerequisites:   and   or taking concurrently.
    Provides elementary education candidates with the theoretical background and practical ideas for planning and implementing a language arts program in which all children, including ELL students, are involved in thinking and communicating. One of the critical components of the course is teaching candidates strategies for teaching the writing process, and exploring how the traits of writing align with the writing process.  Candidates learn strategies for teaching students how to write across the curriculum utilizing innovative and motivating methods.  A grade of C or better is required.

  • EDUC 308 Reading in the Early Years (K-2)

    Prerequisites: EDUC 306  or taking concurrently.
    Co-requisites: EDUC 309  

    This course provides teacher candidates with an understanding of language and literacy development in grades K-2.  It provides a focus on the theories and essential components of literacy that impact student learning in grades K-2.  The course is designed to address the needs of all learners including English Language Learners (ELL) in the early years in the classroom.

  • EDUC 309 Reading in the Intermediate Years (Grades 3-6)

    Prerequisites: EDUC 306   or taking concurrently.
    The purpose of this course is to examine theories, motivations, trends and issues of literacy, materials/curriculums, and practical application of strategies for teaching literacy in grades 3-6.  Teacher candidates will explore literacy strategies which focus primarily on comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency, understanding the role phonics and phonemic awareness played in establishing the foundation of literacy at this point.  There is an emphasis on the importance of expository text at this level and utilizing a balanced reading approach.  By utilizing literary devices and becoming familiar with technology tools and resources designed to enrich literacy, teacher candidates will be better prepared to implement effective literacy instruction.

  • EDUC 315 Understanding Reading Problems: Assessment and Instruction

    Prerequisites: EDUC 306   or taking concurrently.
    Introduction to informal evaluation techniques and strategies that assess literacy needs and strengths.  Topics include the interactive nature of literacy components and importance of the teacher as a focused classroom observer.  A 15-hour school-based field experience is required.  A grade of C or better is required.

  • EDUC 400 Special Topics in Education

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
    An in-depth study of various areas of education which may include classroom management, inclusion, instructional technology or educational research.

  • EDUC 410 Secondary Content Methods

    Prerequisites: EDUC 306  
    Co-requisites: EDUC 416 , EDUC 418 , and EDSP 409  

    This course supports the pre-service teacher in planning for teaching in the secondary school. The course will address the skills necessary to become a "best practice" teacher, particularly through addressing principles and standards of secondary content. Professional responsibilities, classroom learning environments, planning instruction, assessing achievement, and teaching for meaningful learning for all students will be among the areas addressed. Research and theory will be connected to applied practice through a clinical experience. 

  • EDUC 412 Elementary Teaching Methods in Science and Social Studies

    Prerequisites: EDUC 306  ; must be taken concurrently with EDUC 413  , EDUC 414  , and EDUC 416  .
    Provides candidates with the knowledge, skills, methods, materials for teaching elementary science and social studies.  A clinical experience is required.  A grade of C or better is required.

  • EDUC 413 Elementary Teaching Methods in Mathematics

    Prerequisites: EDUC 306  ; must be taken concurrently with EDUC 412  , EDUC 414  , and EDUC 416  .
    Provides candidates with the knowledge, skills, methods, materials for teaching elementary mathematics. A clinical experience is required. A grade of C or better is required.

  • EDUC 414 Elementary Teaching Methods in Literacy

    Prerequisites: EDUC 306  ; must be taken concurrently with EDUC 412  , EDUC 413   , and EDUC 416  .
    Provides teacher candidates strategies, techniques and methods which focus on the five essential components of reading and writing as they directly relate to the teaching of reading in elementary schools.  A clinical experience is required.  A grade of C or better is required.

  • EDUC 416 Assessment and the Data Informed Teacher

    Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Education Program; must be taken concurrently with EDUC 412 , EDUC 413 , and EDUC 414  .
    Methods for using classroom assessment-formative and summative, formal and informal-to improve both teaching and student learning.  Candidates will collect and analyze data suing a variety of formats.    A clinical experience is required.  A grade of C or better is required.

  • EDUC 418 Content Area Reading

    Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Education Program; must be taken concurrently with the secondary block methods courses.
    Reading for the content area teacher, including new developments, techniques, and methods which are related to the secondary curriculum. A clinical experience is required.  A grade of C or better is required.

  • EDUC 460 Student Teaching

    Prerequisites: Admission to the student teaching semester, verification of successful completion of PRAXIS II: Subject Assessments Test(s) and Principles of Learning and Teaching Test.
    Classroom teaching in grades Preschool-Adult under the direct supervision of public school and University personnel. A grade of C or better is required.

  • EDUC 470 Independent Study

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
    Investigation of in-depth special topics in education. Application must be made through the Department of Education Office and approved by a committee prior to registration.

  • EDUC 505 Advanced Teaching and Learning

    The study of various educational theories, principles, and strategies, and their implications for teaching and learning.  (Clinical I - 25 hours Field Experience)  Clinical experiences will be conducted in age/grade/content appropriate classrooms as required by WV Policy 5202 and the West Virginia Professional Teaching Standards (WVPTS).

  • EDUC 510 Models of Curriculum and Instruction

    This course considers current research regarding the teaching and learning processes and explores a variety of instructional models and strategies. Practical application of models to instructional planning and delivery in Pre K-Adult classrooms will be emphasized.

  • EDUC 516 Integrated Methods in Secondary Education

    Prerequisites: None
    This course is designed to provide a framework for understanding how to teach students for maximum learning at the secondary level (grades 5-Adult).  Student development is tied to various strategies and to best practices for successful instruction.  Mastery models are presented that reinforce the decision-making process in selecting instructional strategies, and the application of reflective practice to evaluate success is emphasized.  A twenty-five (25) clock hour experience in a school setting is required.


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