2014-2015 Academic Catalog (August 2014 - July 2015) 
    Sep 20, 2024  
2014-2015 Academic Catalog (August 2014 - July 2015) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Listings



  • MUS 426 Special Topics: Music Education

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
    Courses on various topics in music education. Topics of study indicated on student’s transcript. May be taken for credit repeatedly.

  • MUS 427 Jazz Studies

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
    Courses on various topics in jazz studies. Topics of study indicated on student’s transcript. May be taken for credit repeatedly.

    Term Offered: (every other S)
  • MUS 428 Special Topics: Studio Teaching

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
    Courses on various topics in studio teaching. Topics of study indicated on student’s transcript. May be taken for credit repeatedly. Teaching required.

  • MUS 445 Electronic Music Systems

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
    A survey of concrete, synthetic and computerized sound production and manipulation techniques including applications in music areas. Students will complete a project appropriate to their interests. Open to music and science students. (Not offered on a regular basis.)

  • MUS 448 Marching Band Techniques

    Prerequisites: Consent of Instructor
    An elective for music students. Acquaints the student with the techniques of planning and implementing a marching band performance.

  • MUS 451 Collegiate Singers

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
    A select choral ensemble devoted to the artistic performance of choral music.

  • MUS 453A Marching Band

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
    A wind and percussion ensemble which performs for college functions.

    Term Offered: (F)
  • MUS 453B Concert Band

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
    A large wind and percussion ensemble which performs transcriptions and original works.

    Term Offered: (S)
  • MUS 454A Concord Commanders

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
    Membership limited. An organization under faculty supervision which studies and performs literature from all styles of jazz and popular music.

  • MUS 455 Brass Ensemble

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
    A small ensemble for the study and performance of literature for various combinations of brass instruments.

  • MUS 456 Percussion Ensemble

    Prerequisites: Audition.
    A study and performance of percussion ensemble literature.

    Term Offered: (F,S)
  • MUS 457 Woodwind Ensemble

    Prerequisites: Audition.
    A small ensemble for the study and performance of literature for various combinations of woodwind instruments.

  • MUS 458 Pep Band

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
    Ensemble designed to perform at various athletic events.

  • MUS 460 Chamber Music

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
    Various regularly scheduled small ensemble rehearsals in preparation for a performance. These groups will prepare music under the direction of a faculty member and will receive instruction in rehearsal techniques.

  • MUS 461 ConChords

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
    A small, select vocal ensemble which performs music in a wide variety of styles.

  • MUS 470 Independent Study

    Prerequisites: Successful completion of 90 or more semester hours and consent of instructor.
    An opportunity for the student to enroll in a course of intensified study of a subject (mutually agreed upon by the student and the instructor) not normally covered in other courses.

  • MUS 475 Senior Recital

    Prerequisites: For music majors only; GPA of 3.0 in six levels in the student's applied music area-number 100 and above; and successful completion of the senior recital jury.
    This is a recital given for the public in which the student exhibits the musical training received during his/her undergraduate study.


Natural Sciences

  • N SC 300D Science and Religion

    Prerequisites: Two laboratory science courses or consent of instructor.
    Science in relation to diverse world views. A comparative study in the history and philosophy of science and religion. May be used as a Biology elective.

    Term Offered: (F)
  • N SC 300E Human Genetics

    Prerequisites: BIOL 101  and BIOL 102 .

    Examines contemporary human genetics relevant to families and society, including genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis, genetic engineering, and genetics and the law. Three hours lecture. May be used as a biology elective.

    Term Offered: (S - even years)
  • N SC 325 Teaching Assistantship

    Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
    Teaching practicum for science and math students. Repeatable for credit; Pass/Fail grading.

    Term Offered: (F, S)
  • N SC 414A Special Methods in the Teaching of the Natural Sciences

    Prerequisites: EDUC 306  or permission of instructor; EDUC 310  recommended.
    Observation, discussion, and participation are utilized in order to provide prospective teachers a working knowledge of appropriate methods and media for teaching concepts and laboratory techniques and phenomena of the various areas of the natural sciences.

    Term Offered: (F)
    Note: This course cannot be used to fulfill a General Studies requirement.
  • N SC 414B Middle Level Science Education

    Prerequisites: Concurrent or prior registration in N SC 414A .
    Practical field experience and instruction in the teaching of science at the middle level.

    Term Offered: (F)
  • N SC 414C Secondary Level Science Education

    Prerequisites: Concurrent or prior registration in N SC 414A .
    Practical field experience and instruction in the teaching of science at the secondary level.

    Term Offered: (F)


  • PHIL 101 History of Philosophy I

    Examines the history of philosophical thought, and emphasizes developments in ethics, epistemology, metaphysics, aesthetics, political philosophy, and religion.

  • PHIL 102 History of Philosophy II

    Examines the history of philosophical thought, and emphasizes developments in ethics, epistemology, metaphysics, aesthetics, political philosophy, and religion.

  • PHIL 210 Logic

    Prerequisites: MATH 101  or a Math ACT score of 23 or higher or a Math SAT score of 540 or higher.
    Examines the conditions for proper, clear, and effective reasoning. While the focus will be on identifying and evaluating arguments in everyday and academic discourse, the course will also include the study of formal philosophical logic.

  • PHIL 310 Epistemology

    A critical examination of the nature of knowledge, that is, the nature of our right to the beliefs which we possess, as well as the possibility, the basis, and the scope of knowledge.

  • PHIL 312 Metaphysics

    A critical examination of the nature of reality and existence, including the nature of time, space, being, and other fundamental categories, as well as the existence and nature of God and the problem of evil.

  • PHIL 314 Aesthetics

    Explores the traditional and contemporary approaches to the study of the arts and their relationship with particular values, including truth, goodness, and beauty.

  • PHIL 316 Ethics

    A systematic analysis of the principles that guide human conduct. Topics include: nature and purpose of ethics; relativism and objectivism; the nature of values; utilitarian, deontological, and virtue ethics; the relationship between ethics and religion; and current discussions within the field today.

  • PHIL 320 History and Philosophy of Science

    A critical examination of the history and philosophy of the sciences and their methods. Topics include scientific revolutions, the unity of the sciences, and the nature of experimentation, explanation, and evidence. May be taken to fulfill program requirements for the history track, or the history with an emphasis in philosophy track.

    Also listed as: HIST 320 .
  • PHIL 322 The Enlightenment and Revolution

    The course covers the European revolutions-intellectual, social, political, economic, and military-arising from the ferment of change during the Enlightenment, the French, Russian and American Revolutions, the Napoleonic Era, and the Industrial Revolution.

    Also listed as: HIST 322 .
  • PHIL 325 Special Topics in Philosophy

    Prerequisites: as determined by the instructor.
    A specialized study of various topics and problems in the field of philosophy. Each offering of the course will explore a different topic or problem. Examples include: Plato, Aristotle, Materialism, Idealism, or the Philosophy of Religion.

  • PHIL 331 Asian Philosophy

    A historical and critical examination of the philosophical traditions of India, China, Japan, and other Asian cultures. The course will focus on the development of the classical systems of Asian philosophy and their interaction with the philosophies of other cultures.

    Also listed as: HIST 331 .
  • PHIL 350 Contemporary Philosophy

    Focuses on trends in twentieth and twenty-first century philosophy, including existentialism, post-modernism, and feminism.

  • PHIL 360 Biomedical Ethics

    This course explores debates on current issues in the field of biomedical ethics including abortion, assisted reproduction, genetic engineering, euthanasia, resource allocation, human and non-human animal experimentation, confidentiality, consent, and public policy. Students will read a series of articles on a particular issue each week of the semester, summarize the arguments in the debate, and then formulate their own conclusions.

  • PHIL 375 History of World Religions

    Prerequisites: HIST 101  or permission of instructor.
    This course explores the historical development of the world's religious traditions with particular attention to their philosophical, theological, and ritual dimensions, as well as their relationship with one another. May be taken to fulfill program requirements for the history track, or the history with an emphasis in philosophy track.

    Also listed as: HIST 375 .
  • PHIL 390 Feminism and Gender in Modern History

    This course examines the history of feminist thought and philosophy within the historical experience of women utilizing a critical framework for the analysis of the creation and enforcement of the concepts of gender. May be taken to fulfill program requirements for the history track, or the history with an emphasis in philosophy track.

    Also listed as: HIST 390 .
  • PHIL 399 Utopian Studies

    Prerequisites: HIST 101 , HIST 102  or  , PHIL 102 ; or permission of instructor.  
    This course examines attempts in East Asia and the West to imagine and create "more perfect" societies based on various philosophical, religious, social, and political paradigms, from the ancient world to the present day. Studies are not limited to utopian ideals; dystopian concepts and societies are also examined. May be taken to fulfill program requirements for the history track, or the history with an emphasis in philosophy track.

    Also listed as: HIST 399 .
  • PHIL 400 Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

    Prerequisites:   ,   and   .  Junior or Senior standing.
    Course will focus on introducing students to an array of pedagogical theories and teaching practices in relation to philosophy instruction at a collegiate level.  Students will work with an instructor in either PHIL 101 or PHIL 102 throughout the semester.  Students must attend at least two (2) class sessions per week and work with students in peer review groups one-on-one.  Applicants ideally should be interested in teaching at the university level or enrolled in courses preparing them for a role in Education.  Students should fill out an application available in the Humanities Division and submit supporting materials outlined on the application a semester before their intention to be UTAs.  There shall be a limit to two UTAs per class per semester.

    Term Offered: (F, S)
  • PHIL 450 Seminar in Philosophy

    The Seminar in Philosophy is the capstone course for the Major in History with an Emphasis in Philosophy. The course will run concurrently with an upper level course in Epistemology, Metaphysics, Aesthetics, Asian Philosophy, or Contemporary Philosophy. Students will attend lectures and discussions with those taking the upper level course and, in addition, will meet for further lectures and discussion. Students will also write a major research paper in order to meet the requirements for the major in history with an emphasis in philosophy.

  • PHIL 560 The Scientific Revolution

    Examines the emergence and growth of modern science from the late Middle Ages to the early eighteenth century, particularly in light of contemporary cultural developments. Attention will focus on the shifting place of science in Western culture and the emergence of new scientific ideas. Incidents in Early Modern science will also be used as test cases in the examination of theories on the nature of the scientific endeavor and scientific change.


Physical Education

  • P ED 101M Personal Wellness

    Provides the student with the knowledge, skills and values to develop a basic personal fitness/wellness program that can be maintained for life.

    Term Offered: (F, S)
    Two hours lecture, one hour laboratory.
  • P ED 105 Introduction to Sports Management

    A study of professional management in sport organizations including an overview of sport careers, sport environment and skills needed in the field.

    Term Offered: (F)
  • P ED 110 Introduction to Teaching Physical Education

    Should be taken by majors at the beginning of their physical education coursework. Emphasis on understanding the profession and relevant issues in physical education, introduction to current literature and events, collaborative learning strategies, and the framework for portfolio development in the physical education program.

    Term Offered: (F, S)
  • P ED 117 Team Sports

    Consideration will be given to acquiring the basic knowledge, skills, strategy, and safety procedures necessary to participate in and teach beginning field hockey, softball, soccer, flag football, basketball, team handball, volleyball, and track and field, as well as others that may be added at the instructor’s discretion. This course is not required for physical education majors.

    Term Offered: (F, S)
  • P ED 118 Individual Sports and Physical Activities

    Consideration will be given to acquiring the basic knowledge, skills, strategy, and safety procedures necessary to participate in and teach beginning golf, archery, bowling, badminton, racquetball, tennis, weight training, skiing, jogging/walking, in-line skating, hiking, biking, and other outdoor athletic pursuits. This course is not required for physical education majors.

    Term Offered: (F, S)
  • P ED 202 Foundations of Physical Education and Sport

    A study of the history and philosophy of physical education and sport and their relationship to current trends in the field, and the psychological and sociological implications of physical education and sport.

    Term Offered: (S)
  • P ED 207 Anatomy and Physiology

    Prerequisites: BIOL 101  and BIOL 102  recommended.
    An introduction to knowledge of the normal development, structure and function of man.

    Term Offered: (F)
  • P ED 216 Sport Ethics

    The course will be used to provide background information about ethical studies and issues related to sports.  This course will review the problems associated with unethical and ethical behavior in sports.

    Term Offered: (F)
  • P ED 217 Sport Governance

    The course will explore the theory and practice of sport organizations and their governance structure, functions,and membership requirements.  The rules and regulations of each sport governing body, current issues and trends for each governing body including:  high school athletics, intercollegiate athletics state, national, and international organization.  (Amateur and Professional)

    Term Offered: (S)
  • P ED 218 Sophomore Practicum

    The course is a directed field experience designed to help the student gain initial experience in a variety of sport settings.  The student will assist with home sporting events in the spring including pre, during, and post game administration.  A required 150 hour practicum experience in the spring spring semester.

    Term Offered: (S)
  • P ED 225 Physical Education Workshops

    Coursework of current interest in the area of physical education, health, and athletic training will be offered occasionally according to University guidelines as the Department of Human Performance so chooses. Topics of study will be indicated on student’s transcript. Repeatable up to three times for a maximum of 9 credits.

  • P ED 239 Physical Education Pedagogy

    Prerequisites: P ED 110 
    Co-requisites: EDUC 210 

    The study of pedagogical teaching skills to be used in the Pre K-Adult curricula, emphasizing the teaching process.

    Term Offered: (F)
  • P ED 240 Lifetime Physical Education


    Prerequisites: P ED 110 


    Students will be introduced to the basic concepts, instructional strategies, and performance techniques associated with participating in and teaching outdoor leisure, gymnastics, rhythms, and swimming activities in a K-12 setting.

    Term Offered: (F)

  • P ED 241 Team Sports in Physical Education

    Prerequisites: P ED 110 

    Students will be introduced to the basic concepts, Instructional strategies, and performance techniques associated with participating in and teaching team or modified team sport activities in a K-12 physical education setting.

    Term Offered: (F)
  • P ED 242 Individual Sports in Physical Education

    Prerequisites: P ED 110 


    Students will be introduced to the basic concepts, instructional strategies, and performance techniques associated with participating in and teaching individual or modified individual sport activities in a K-12 physical education setting.

    Term Offered: (S)
  • P ED 303 Sport Finance

    Sport Finance will provide concepts of finance and accounting, but they will also understand how those skills are used in the real world of sport.

    Term Offered: (S)
  • P ED 306 Advanced Sport Management

    This course will provide a presentation of advanced sport management practices in Sport Industry Support Segments and Lifestyle Sport Management, Media Coverage, Event Management, Licensing, Sport Communications, along with other additional practice and opportunities in sports.

    Term Offered: (F)
  • P ED 307 Assessment in Health and Physical Education

    Consideration is given to the nature and use of measurements and evaluations in the fields of health and physical education programs. Included is alternative assessment techniques in Pre K-Adult programs as exemplified in the National Standards.

    Term Offered: (S)
  • P ED 315 Kinesiology

    Prerequisites: BIOL 101 -BIOL 102 , P ED 207 
    Considers principles of the mechanics of body movement in relation to anatomical structure, body development and muscular efficiency.

    Term Offered: (S)
  • P ED 320 Coaching Techniques

    Using the American Sports Education Program, participants will receive formal instruction in the areas of sport science, sport first aid, drugs and sports. Provides the individual the opportunity to receive coaching certification by meeting national testing standards required by West Virginia legislation and the West Virginia Secondary Schools Activities Commission, governing body for high school athletics in the state.

    Term Offered: (S)
  • P ED 329 Motor Learning/Development

    Examines the cognitive and neurophysiological processes underlying motor skill acquisition and performance; emphasis is on the application of this knowledge to the process of teaching motor skills.

    Term Offered: (F)
  • P ED 330 Sport Marketing

    Prerequisites: P ED 306
    This course provides a working understanding of the role of marketing in sports-related organizations, develops skills in applying fundamental marketing concepts, explores strategic marketing concepts, sales management, product development and marketing research techniques.

  • P ED 332 Junior Practicum

    The course is a directed field experience designed to help the student gain inititial experience in a variety of sport settings.  The student will assist with home sporting events in the fall including  pre, during and post game adminsitration.  A required 150 hour practicum experience in the fall semester..

    Term Offered: (F)
  • P ED 401 Physical Education, Health and Wellness for Elementary Teachers

    Prerequisites: EDUC 301 , EDUC 305 .
    This course emphasizes the foundations of good health, the importance of physical fitness, nutrition, and healthy lifestyles for elementary students.  Focus will include health issues and social factors impacting children, as well as the design of learning activities that promote healthy living and incorporate movement skills and motor activities.  A 15-hour school-based clinical experience is required.

    Term Offered: (Fall, Spring)
    Note: (Limited class size.)
  • P ED 402 Curriculum and Instruction for Elementary Physical Education

    Prerequisites: P ED239.
    For physical education majors. Incorporates the pedagogical skills learned in P ED 400 with content development for a successful physical education program for PreK-5 grade children. Emphasis will also be on incorporating the National Standards and the WV Physical Education Content Standards into the curriculum, and on program planning. A 15-hour school-based field experience is required.

    Term Offered: (S)
  • P ED 403 Curriculum and Instruction for Middle and Adolescent Physical Education.

    Emphasis is placed upon program planning procedures and teaching strategies for physical education 5-9 and 9-Adult programs. A 15-hour school based field experience is required.

    Term Offered: (S)
  • P ED 407 Adapted Physical Education

    Prerequisites: P ED 239 
    A study of the prevalent disabilities in children and youth and methods of adapting the physical education program to meet the needs of each individual. Recommended for students enrolled in Special Education and/or Physical Education.

    Term Offered: (Fall)
  • P ED 410 Sport Law

    This course will provide a presentation of the basic legal system, its terminology, and principles applied to amateur and professional sports.  Emphasis is on identifying and analyzing legal issues, the ramifications of those issues, and the means of limiting the liability of sports organizations.

    Term Offered: (S)
  • P ED 450 Directed Studies in Health and Physical Education

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
    Investigation of in-depth special topics in health and physical education.

    Term Offered: (F, S)
  • P ED 465 Field Instruction/Internship

    Prerequisites: Approval of Department Chair, Students must have completed their coursework in their interdisciplinary area. Senior status required.
    Provides students with opportunities to develop skills, knowledge, theories, and techniques with procedures from the class work applied to field situations. Must be approved by faculty supervisor.


Physical Science

  • PHSC 103 Concepts in Physical Science: Physics/Chemistry.

    Prerequisites: MATH 101  (or higher)

    Development of conceptual models in chemistry and physics. Intended for elementary through middle level (K-9) education majors.

    Term Offered: (F, S)
    Three hours lecture, two hours lab.
  • PHSC 104 Concepts in Physical Science: Earth/Space Sciences


    Development of conceptual models in Earth and space sciences. Intended for elementary (K-6) education majors; not open to science majors.

    Term Offered: (F, S)
    Three hours lecture, two hours lab.


  • PHYS 101 Introductory Physics

    Prerequisites: MATH 103  and MATH 104 , or equivalent proficiency.
    An algebra/trigonometry-based introduction to mechanics, wave motion, and thermodynamics.

    Term Offered: (F)
    Three hours lecture, two hours lab.
  • PHYS 102 Intermediate Physics

    Prerequisites: PHYS 101 .
    A continuation of PHYS 101 , including an introduction to electricity and magnetism, optics, and modern physics.

    Term Offered: (S)
    Three hours lecture, two hours lab.
  • PHYS 105 Introductory Astronomy


    An introduction to the fundamentals of astronomy. Topics include: the history and philosophy of astronomy, earth-sun-moon phenomena, the life cycle of stars, properties of galaxies, the current cosmological model, and the solar system. Labs incorporate the use of telescopes at the Concord University observatory. A General Studies Lab Science course that emphasizes critical thinking and the use of writing and basic mathematics.

    Term Offered: (F)
    Three hours lecture, two hours lab.
  • PHYS 201 University Physics with Calculus, Part 1

    Prerequisites: MATH 250  or concurrently.
    A calculus-based introduction to mechanics, wave motion, and thermodynamics.

    Term Offered: (S)
    Three hours lecture, two hours lab.
  • PHYS 202 University Physics with Calculus, Part 2

    Prerequisites: PHYS 201 , MATH 250 .
    A continuation of PHYS 201 , including an introduction to electricity and magnetism, optics, and modern physics.

    Term Offered: (F)
    Three hours lecture, two hours lab.
  • PHYS 220 Special Topics

    Prerequisites: Specified by instructor.
    Courses in selected areas of physics. Specific topics to be announced and indicated by title on transcript. May be taken for credit repeatedly.

  • PHYS 301 Optics and Wave Phenomena

    Prerequisites: PHYS 102  or PHYS 202 , MATH 104 .
    Geometrical and physical optics.

    Two hours lecture, two hours lab.
  • PHYS 314 Modern Physics

    Prerequisites: PHYS 102  or PHYS 202 , MATH 250  previously or concurrently.
    Atomic physics, special theory of relativity, nuclear physics, elementary particles, and special topics.

    Term Offered: (S-odd years)
    Three hours lecture.
  • PHYS 315 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

    Prerequisites: PHYS 102  or PHYS 202 , MATH 252 .
    Fundamental principles of thermodynamics, kinetic theory of gases, and classical and quantum statistical mechanics.

    Four hours lecture.
  • PHYS 317 Mathematics for Physical Sciences I

    Prerequisites: PHYS 102  or PHYS 202 , MATH 252 .
    Mathematical techniques useful in the physical sciences, including infinite series, matrices, multiple integrals, vector analysis, Fourier series, calculus of variations, and special functions.  Course also listed as   .

    Term Offered: (F)
    Three hours lecture.
  • PHYS 318 Mathematics for Physical Sciences II

    Prerequisites: PHYS 317  or   .
    A continuation of PHYS 317 /  , including a study of tensor analysis, Legendre polynomials, Bessel functions, functions of a complex variable, Laplace transforms, and partial differential equations.  Course also listed as   .

    Term Offered: (S)
    Three hours lecture.
  • PHYS 319 Digital Electronics

    Prerequisites: PHYS 102  or PHYS 202 
    A laboratory study of digital electronics with emphasis on microprocessors.

    Term Offered: (F, S)
    Four hours laboratory.
  • PHYS 401 Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism

    Prerequisites: PHYS 102  or PHYS 202 , MATH 252 .
    Electrostatics, magnetostatics, network analysis, electrodynamics, and an introduction to Maxwell’s equations.

    Three hours lecture.
  • PHYS 402 Electricity and Magnetism

    Prerequisites: PHYS 401 .
    Maxwell’s equations, solutions of Laplace’s equation, and special topics.

    Three hours lecture.
  • PHYS 403 Intermediate Mechanics

    Prerequisites: PHYS 102  or PHYS 202 , MATH 252 .
    The basic principles of mechanics, including study of statics, kinematics and dynamics.

    Three hours lecture.
  • PHYS 404 Theoretical Mechanics

    Prerequisites: PHYS 403 .
    The study of angular momentum, rotational and orbital motion, and the Lagrange and Hamilton equations.

    Three hours lecture.
  • PHYS 420 Special Topics

    Prerequisites: Specified by instructor.
    Courses in selected areas of physics. Specified topics to be announced and indicated by title on transcript. Recent examples include Topics in Astrophysics, Topics in Particle and Nuclear Physics. May be taken for credit repeatedly.

  • PHYS 451 Independent Research

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
    Introduction to physics research through individual supervised problems.

    Term Offered: (F, S, Sum)
  • PHYS 452 Independent Research

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
    Introduction to physics research through individual supervised problems.

    Term Offered: (F, S, Sum)
  • PHYS 480 Honors Courses

    Juniors and seniors who qualify for Honors Courses are offered the opportunity to study with individual members of the faculty. This is specialized study apart from conventional classroom work. Interested students should contact physics faculty for further information.

  • PHYS 481 Honors Courses

    Juniors and seniors who qualify for Honors Courses are offered the opportunity to study with individual members of the faculty. This is specialized study apart from conventional classroom work. Interested students should contact physics faculty for further information.


Political Science

  • POSC 101 Introduction to Political Science

    A survey of political science, including an examination of various political systems, institutions and ideologies found in the contemporary world.

    Term Offered: (F, S)
  • POSC 104 American Federal Government

    A study of the underlying principles, organizational structure, processes and problems of the American federal system of government. Emphasis will be placed on the national government.

    Term Offered: (F, S)
  • POSC 201 Political Science Research and Writing

    Provides students an opportunity to practice and improve their writing and research skills. Particular attention will be given to evaluation of scholarly sources and competing claims.


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