2014-2015 Academic Catalog (August 2014 - July 2015) 
    Jan 17, 2025  
2014-2015 Academic Catalog (August 2014 - July 2015) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (Mathematics, Computer Science and Computer Information Systems)

Programs offered by the Department of Mathematics are designed to prepare students for mathematics and computer science related vocations—including the teaching of mathematics and computer science. The programs also prepare the student for graduate study in these subject areas.

The Department of Mathematics offers the following options: (I) the Bachelor of Science degree program with (a) a Comprehensive Mathematics  major, (b) a Computer Science  major, and (c) a Mathematics  major with a minor; (II) the Computer Information Systems  degree program; and (III) the Bachelor of Science in Education degree program with certification specializations for (a) grades 5-9  and (b) grades 5-Adult . Student programs are planned in consultation with an adviser from the Department of Mathematics.

Minors for non-education degree programs are offered in Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science. Formal recognition is given to students who successfully supplement a degree program with an emphasis in Pre-actuarial Science.

Students electing one of the programs of this Department must have at least one unit in high school geometry. A deficiency in high school geometry may be removed by successful completion of MATH 200 , Introductory Geometry.

An overall grade point average of 2.00 (C) or higher in all required courses is needed for successful completion of any of the programs, including minors.

For non-educational programs, grades obtained in MATH 101 , MATH 110 , MATH 305 , and MATH 414  cannot be used to meet this minimal 2.00 grade point average requirement. The mathematics education certifications require a 2.50 grade point average. Majors are required to take an assessment test during the senior year.

Mathematics Placement

Students may not enroll in a mathematics course for credit towards graduation unless a minimum score of 19 is earned on the mathematics section of the Enhanced ACT test, or a minimum score of 460 on the quantitative portion of the Re-centered SAT. Students not meeting these minimal requirements must successfully complete the developmental program consisting of MATH 90  and/or MATH 91  with a C or higher. Students will be allowed to register for mathematics courses based on ACT/ SAT mathematics scores. The cutoffs are the following:

Course ACT* SAT*
MATH 101 General Mathematics   19 460
MATH 103 College Algebra   19 540
MATH 104 College Trigonometry   25 580
MATH 105 Elementary Statistics  25 580
MATH 200 Introductory Geometry   23 540
CS 201 Introduction to Computer Programming I.  19 460
  28 630
*Minimum test score required for placement


A student may challenge an ACT math score of 18 or below in order to be admitted to Math 101 or higher; a minimum scaled score of 59 on the prealgebra test and a 36 on the algebra test qualify for placement in Math 101 or higher. Students are allowed to take this test once during a 4-year period.

Equivalent Proficiency for MATH 103 and 104

Students who achieved a mathematics ACT score of 25 or higher may have MATH 103  waived as a course prerequisite and as a program requirement for degrees in science and mathematics. Students who achieved a mathematics ACT score of 28 or higher may also have MATH 104  waived as a course prerequisite and program requirement for degrees in science and mathematics.