2024-2025 Academic Catalog
Business Administration - (BS BA)

The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree requires successful completion of 120 semester hours, including (1) the General Education Program ; (2) the Business Administration Core; and (3) one of the six areas of emphasis listed below. Students who plan to complete dual emphases in Business Administration will complete all required courses in both emphases, as well as elective(s) for a maximum of 11 courses. Students who plan to complete three emphases will complete all required courses in the emphases, as well as elective(s) for a maximum of 15 courses.
In order to earn this degree, students are also required to maintain a cumulative grade average of at least 2.30 for all courses in Business.
*Students with a double emphasis in Finance and Accounting will consult with their academic advisor to choose the 11 preferred courses.
Business Administration Core
The Business Administration Core consists of introductory courses from all major business disciplines taught at Concord University. It is intended to provide a comprehensive understanding of a broad spectrum of fields in business administration and a foundation for specialized study in the student's chosen area of emphasis. (1) Accounting Emphasis
The objective of the accounting area is to provide the education to pursue a variety of accounting and business careers. The two curriculum tracks provide students with options to pursue public accounting (CPA) or managerial accounting (CMA). The curriculum includes exposure to descriptive and analytical information useful in the business decision-making process. (2) Finance Emphasis
The objective of the finance area of emphasis is to prepare students seeking career opportunities in the areas of corporate finance, investment management, and management of financial institutions. Rigor in course-work and quantitative skills is emphasized. Students completing the program receive adequate exposure both in financial theory and policy essential for career growth in a sophisticated and competitive environment within small or large financial organizations. (3) Hospitality & Tourism Management Emphasis
The Hospitality & Tourism Management emphasis focuses on the development, practice and management of all aspects of one of the world's largest economic forces, the industry. By studying hospitality management, students prepare for careers in hotel, restaurant, attraction, event and service industries. (4) Management Emphasis
The management area of emphasis provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, processes, and practices involved in the management of people and organizations. Students completing this program of study typically secure employment in a wide variety of business careers that range from the management of small businesses to employment in large organizations of all types. (5) Marketing Emphasis
The marketing area of emphasis is designed to offer the student a general business education with the aim of developing a career in the field of marketing. Marketing consists of numerous activities that link the production of goods and services to the consumer or industrial user. The curriculum emphasis is on professional preparation for developing marketing strategies and management of marketing operations. Wide-ranging opportunities are available for marketing students in all types and sizes of for-profit and not-for-profit organizations including retailing, wholesaling, service agencies, health-care organizations, educational units, and governmental institutions. The marketing area of emphasis provides students with comprehensive exposure for career options within many branches of marketing, including: advertising, sales, marketing management, retailing, marketing research, and product management. (6) Sport Management Emphasis
The Sport Management area of emphasis prepares students for careers in the dynamic, global and fast-paced sport industry. The curriculum provides students with a strong foundation of knowledge and experience related to sport facilities, sport marketing and promotion, event management, and all operational business areas of the sport industry. The sport management area of emphasis provides students with management and leadership skills while deepening their knowledge in the many business aspects of sports and recreation. Advising
Each student is assigned a Department of Business academic advisor who will be available to answer questions, provide guidance in course selection, assist in setting goals, and help students make knowledgeable career decisions. Students meet with faculty academic advisors to plan academic scheduling, and course registration. Students are encouraged to meet with advisors periodically to discuss academic progress, career placement, and special needs. Coursework in Business Administration that is older than ten years may have to be repeated. It is recommended that students complete the following to be better prepared for the upper-level business courses: 1) 60 credit hours (which include the classes below) with a Grade Point Average of 2.30 or higher; 2) The following courses: Students who intend to choose a degree in Business must take MATH 103 (or MATH 103C ) prior to the following courses: In addition to the business core, 9-12 hours of designated courses arranged by the student and the academic advisor in a comprehensive program of study are required of all students in each area of emphasis. Students who plan to complete dual emphases in Business Administration will complete all required courses in both emphases, as well as elective(s) for a maximum of 11 courses. Students who plan to complete three emphases will complete all required courses in the emphases, as well as elective(s) for a maximum of 15 courses. Course sequence forms may be obtained from: (1) the student's advisor, (2) the Department of Business Office, Nick J. Rahall Technology Building 203, or (3) the Department of Business website: (www.concord.edu/business). Students should also review their degree progression in DegreeWorks. Transfer Credits
The Department of Business accepts courses for credit from other 4-year state institutions and from business programs accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) and/or by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Credit for most online courses will only be accepted from ACBSP or AACSB accredited institutions. Transfer credits of 100 and 200 levels may not be accepted for 300 or higher credit; these credits may be accepted as general elective credit. No transfer credit can be given for any business course that is more than 10 years old; Concord may agree to accept such courses for general elective credit. In addition, the Department of Business will not accept for business credit transfer classes with a grade lower than C. The transfer criteria for the following two courses are more restrictive; specifically, transfer credit (including 100 and 200 level, as well as, upper level credit) will only be accepted for credit if transferred in within 5 years and with a grade of B or better: The student may appeal this rule to the Department of Business, whereby a committee of department faculty members will evaluate the merit of the appeal and forward the results of their decision to the Department of Business Chair and the Registrar. Note: This transfer policy is also applicable to readmit students. |