2013-2014 Academic Catalog (August 2013 - July 2014) 
    Sep 23, 2024  
2013-2014 Academic Catalog (August 2013 - July 2014) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Listings


Social Science

  • SOSC 325C Miller Center Seminar

    See POSC 325 .

  • SOSC 414 Special Methods in the Teaching of Social Studies

    Prerequisites: EDUC 306 .
    The study and evaluation of personal and professional qualities, skills, and instructional strategies and materials that result in good teaching. A 30 hour school-based field placement is required. Students must achieve a grade of C or better. (F)

  • SOSC 450 Interdisciplinary Seminar

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
    The central theme of the problem investigated will be analyzed through the "eyes" of the various disciplines; with staffing for the seminar coming from the various disciplines of the division.

    Term Offered: (F, S)
  • SOSC 470 Independent Study

    Prerequisites: Minimum of 15 hours of course work completed in the discipline and consent of instructor and division chairperson.
    Application must be made and approved by a committee before the student can register for the independent study. Applications may be picked up from the division chairperson.

  • SOSC 471 Independent Study

    Prerequisites: Minimum of 15 hours of course work completed in the discipline and consent of instructor and division chairperson.
    Application must be made and approved by a committee before the student can register for the independent study. Applications may be picked up from the division chairperson.

  • SOSC 472A Public Service Internship

    The internship is a semester long work-study program in a public service agency. The Public Service Internship Program is open to juniors and seniors and offered both semesters of the academic year. Students interested in applying for the program should contact the office of the Division of Social Sciences.

  • SOSC 472B Public Service Internship

    The internship is a semester long work-study program in a public service agency. The Public Service Internship Program is open to juniors and seniors and offered both semesters of the academic year. Students interested in applying for the program should contact the office of the Division of Social Sciences.

  • SOSC 2851 Introduction to Academic Research

    Designed to develop basic skills used in academic research. Special attention will be given to search techniques and sources, literature review and abstract, citation conventions, and academic integrity. Adaptations and applications to the student’s field of study will be explored.


Social Work

  • SOWK 161 Introduction to Social Work

    Explores the multifaceted career opportunities of the social work profession, with an emphasis on human behavior, human rights, social and economic justice, and human diversity. Social work practice, values, and ethics are examined.

  • SOWK 230 Group Dynamics and Interviewing Skills

    Critically examines and integrates theoretical-conceptual perspectives about group communications and interviewing skills, applying this information to practical problems and situations in context, focusing on behavior of individuals and groups with an emphasis on effective individual and group skills for both intrapersonal and interpersonal growth and development.

  • SOWK 236 Human Behavior and the Social Environment Theories

    Prerequisites: SOWK 161 .
    Co-requisites: PSY 101 ; SOC 101 ; BIOL 102 .

    Methodological and theoretical study of the bio-psycho-social elements of human behavior across multiple contexts. Students will develop a theoretical and conceptual knowledge of human behavior applicable to competent social work practice.

  • SOWK 237 Human Behavior and the Social Environment Across the Lifespan

    Prerequisites: SOWK 161 .
    Co-requisites: PSY 101 ; SOC 101 ; BIOL 102 .

    Orientation to the understanding of human behavior across the lifespan with individuals, groups, and communities. Formal and informal processes, norms, values, ethics, strengths, and diverse cultures will be examined across multiple contexts.

  • SOWK 301 Social Policy and Services History

    Prerequisites: SOWK 161 .
    The primary focus of the course is on the history of social work and social policy. The forces driving policy decisions are examined within a historical framework. The differential impact of social policy on diverse and oppressed groups is developed.

  • SOWK 302 Human Diversity

    An overview of racial, ethnic, gender, age, religion, disability, and sexual orientation issues. The course will focus on helping students develop a conceptual understanding about complex and emotionally-charged issues of diversity, human rights, and social and economic justice. Students are challenged by using research, guided readings, and class discussion in understanding the societal implications of diversity.

  • SOWK 303 Social Policy and Services Analysis

    Prerequisites: SOWK 161 .
    Provides students with a framework to analyze current social policy, taking into consideration both historical influences and current factors shaping these policies. A framework for policy analysis, incorporating the principles of human rights and social and economic justice, is also included. Content is provided on policy formulation, incorporating the processes influencing policy decisions.

  • SOWK 305 Social Work Research Methods

    Prerequisites: SOWK 161 , SOSC 2851  MATH 105  (may be taken concurrently).
    Familiarizes the student with the quantitative and qualitative research methods, the research process, and the role of research in professional practice. Students develop a research proposal. Emphasis is placed on evaluation of all levels of practice.

    (3 hour lecture, 1 hour lab)
  • SOWK 307 Practice with Individuals and Families

    Prerequisites: Social Work major; formal admission to the Social Work Program; SOWK 161 , SOWK 230 , SOWK 236 , SOWK 237 ; SOWK 305 ; PSY 101 ; SOC 101 ; ENGL 101 , ENGL 102 ; SOSC 2851 .    
    Methods of intervention appropriate for working with individuals and families are emphasized. Focuses on the basic knowledge, values, and skills appropriate for a generalist social work practitioner at the beginning professional level of social work practice. The practice components of engagement, assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation, termination, and follow-up with individuals and families are utilized. A grade of “C” (2.0) or better is required in this course to enter SOWK 420A, SOWK 420B and SOWK 451 .

  • SOWK 308 Practice with Groups

    Prerequisites: Social Work major; formal admission to the Social Work Program; SOWK 161 , SOWK 230 , SOWK 236 , SOWK 237 ; SOWK 305 ; PSY 101 ; SOC 101 ; ENGL 101 , ENGL 102 ; SOSC 2851 .
    Methods of intervention appropriate for working with small groups are emphasized. Focuses on values, knowledge, and skills appropriate for the generalist social work practitioner at the beginning professional level of social work practice. The practice components of engagement, assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation, termination, and follow-up with groups are utilized. A grade of “C” (2.0) or better is required in this course to enter SOWK 420A. SOWK 420B and SOWK 451 .

  • SOWK 309 Practice with Communities and Organizations

    Prerequisites: Social Work major; formal admission to the Social Work Program; SOWK 161 , SOWK 230 , SOWK 236 , SOWK 237 ; SOWK 305 ; PSY 101 ; SOC 101 ; ENGL 101 , ENGL 102 ; SOSC 2851 .    
    Methods of intervention with organizations and communities are emphasized. Focuses on values, knowledge and skills appropriate for the generalist social work practitioner at the beginning professional level of social work practice. The practice components of engagement, assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation, termination, and follow-up with communities and organizations are utilized. A grade of “C” (2.0) or better is required in this course to enter SOWK 420A, SOWK 420B and SOWK 451 .

  • SOWK 318 Health and Human Resources Administration

    An elective focusing on organizations and service delivery systems with an emphasis on leadership and management principles.

  • SOWK 320 Working with Children and Adolescents

    Reflects current issues and trends in working with children and adolescents. Behaviors, therapy, and programs related to children and adolescents are discussed.

  • SOWK 322 School Social Services

    Teaches basic knowledge, approaches, and skills involved in school social services. Examined are the basic concepts of children’s developmental needs, which require preventive services in the school, family, and community systems.

  • SOWK 324 Gerontology and the Field of Aging

    Beginning with aging as a developmental process, implications are generated which relate to possible services for the aged. Included is a focus on the development of primary intervention, protective, and institutional services.

    Note: (Class size limited.)
  • SOWK 327 Health Care

    Deals with the relationship between physical well-being and social functioning; the definition of a state of health and the health continuum; concepts of multiple causation and the role of stress; the social and psychological impact of chronic illness; planning, organizing, and delivering of health services.

    Note: (Class size limited.)
  • SOWK 336 Corrections

    Examines social work and other professions in the area of forensics, courts, institutions, police, probation, and parole services. Attention is given to prevention and aftercare dynamics.

  • SOWK 350 Special Topics in Social Work

    Prerequisites: Approval by the Social Work Department.
    Courses on specialized areas of social work practice (such as Addictions, Family Therapy, and Introduction to Community Service)

  • SOWK 404 Advanced Community-Based Research

    Prerequisites: Completion of a basic research course or consent of the instructor.
    This course seeks to deepen the student’s understanding of community-based research. Focusing on the substantial research opportunities in the professional arena this course is appropriate for any discipline in which academic and community partnerships are important. This is the capstone course for those pursuing the Civic Engagement minor.

  • SOWK 420A Field Instruction

    Prerequisites: Completion of all required Social Work Courses. Students must have a better than 2.00 overall grade point average with a 2.50 average in those courses listed under Social Work Courses Required and a 2.0 or better in SOWK 307 , SOWK 308 , and SOWK 309 . Students must have senior status. 
    Provides students with opportunities to develop skills, knowledge, theories, and techniques with procedures from the classroom being applied to field situations. Emphasis is on individualized instruction with supervision by faculty. Application to be made through Field Instruction Coordinator three months before placement begins.

  • SOWK 420B Field Instruction

    Prerequisites: Completion of all required Social Work Courses. Students must have a better than 2.00 overall grade point average with a 2.50 average in those courses listed under Social Work Courses Required and a 2.0 or better in SOWK 307 , SOWK 308 , and SOWK 309 . Students must have senior status. 
    Provides students with opportunities to develop skills, knowledge, theories, and techniques with procedures from the classroom being applied to field situations. Emphasis is on individualized instruction with supervision by faculty. Application to be made through Field Instruction Coordinator three months before placement begins.

  • SOWK 451 Social Work Issues Seminar

    Prerequisites: Social Work majors only.
    Co-requisites: This course must be taken concurrently with SOWK 420A -SOWK 420B .

    Gives students opportunities to explore, synthesize, critically examine, and integrate varied content and skills learned during previous social work courses and during Field Instruction. Issues across contexts related to diversity, ethical practice, regulation of practice, rural practice, and workplace safety are explored.

  • SOWK 470 Independent Study

    Prerequisites: B average for majors or consent of social work faculty.
    Advanced field study, readings, or research in student’s area of interest.

  • SOWK 471 Independent Study

    Prerequisites: B average for majors or consent of social work faculty.
    Advanced field study, readings, or research in student’s area of interest.

    Note: SOC 101 is a prerequisite for all other courses in sociology. May be waived as a prerequisite with the permission of the sociology faculty.
  • SOWK 480 Honors Courses

    Juniors and seniors who qualify for Honors Courses are offered the opportunity to study with individual members of the faculty. This is specialized study apart from conventional classroom work. Interested students should contact the Division Chair for further information.

  • SOWK 481 Honors Courses

    Juniors and seniors who qualify for Honors Courses are offered the opportunity to study with individual members of the faculty. This is specialized study apart from conventional classroom work. Interested students should contact the Division Chair for further information.

  • SOWK 501 Foundations of Generalist Practice

    Prerequisites: None
    Introductory course to the advanced generalist social work profession for students entering the Regular Standing Program.  The course provides an overview of the history and development of the profession, the values and ethics of the profession, the foundations of knowledge and competencies necessary for practitioners, and practice with all sizes of systems and populations.

  • SOWK 511 Foundations of Human Behavior and the Social Environment

    This is the foundation HBSE course.  The course provides the foundation for understanding of and practice from a human behavior across the lifespan perspective at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels.  All levels of HBSE are examined from multiple theoretical models including systems theory and from the strengths perspective.  Students will develop critical thinking and assessment skills for competent social work practice.

  • SOWK 521 Foundations of Policy

    This is the foundation policy course required of all students who are not in the Advanced Standing Program.  The course outlines the social policies that have been enacted in the United States and the resulting impact of their implementation with special attention to rural areas.

  • SOWK 531 Foundations of Practice

    The social work practice methods course enables students to understand and apply social work theories, strategies, and techniques for helping individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities within the context of the generalist perspective.  Students will continue development of critical thinking skills by applying them to the analysis of evidenced-based practice methods and interventions.  Students will integrate knowledge of evidence-based practice applicable to micro, mezzo, and macro levels of social work with clients and populations-at-risk; maintain commitment to economic and social justice, ethical practice, the strengths perspective, the planned change process and cultural differences.

  • SOWK 541 Foundations of Research

    This is the first of two required research courses.  It is required for all students in the Foundation curriculum.  The course emphasizes the development of the quantitative and qualitative research knowledge necessary for evidence-based practice and the use of practice to inform research.  Students are introduced to the concepts and skills underlying a systematic approach to social work research, including but not limited to, the roles of concepts and theory, hypothesis formulation, operationalization, research design, data collection, data processing, statistical analysis, computer skills, and research report writing.

  • SOWK 551 Foundations Field Practicum

    The foundation field experience provides an opportunity to apply the skills, knowledge, and values of generalist social work practice in a social service setting with diverse clients.  Foundation students are required to have completed 400 hours of field instruction before proceeding to the Advanced Field Practicum.

  • SOWK 613 Advanced Human Behavior and the Social Environment in Rural Settings

    This is the advanced HBSE course which all MSW students will take (Advanced Standing and Regular Program).  The course provides an advanced focus on human behavior in the social environment with a specific focus on the issues that occur in rural settings and the human context.  The course will examine (but not be limited to) issues such as poverty, human rights, gender, sexual orientation, race, social class, and ageism.  These issues will be addressed across all levels of practice using the lens of the strengths perspective.  Students will develop critical thinking and assessment skills for competent rural social work practice.

  • SOWK 622 Advanced Policy in Rural Practice

    This is the second policy course and is required for students who are in the Advanced Standing Program as well as those progressing from their foundation program.  The student will select a social topic or population relevant to rural areas and write a grant proposal or a proposed legislative action to assist those working with the topic or population.  The knowledge builds from the paper written in SOWK 521, Foundation Policy, and from applied policy analysis research.  For the Advanced Standing students, the paper from which the grant proposal or legislative action is built must be fully researched and the most recent data included in the paper.

  • SOWK 633 Advanced Rural Practice with Individuals, Families, and Groups

    This course is an advanced practice course which is designed to prepare social work students for advanced generalist practice in a rural setting with a wide variety of populations in order to provide the best practice possible.  The rural social worker often does not have the luxury of being able to refer clients and must be able to intervene across multiple populations utitlizing various intervention modalities.  This course focuses on working with individuals, families, and groups using best practices and intervention methods appropriate to changing contexts and populations.

  • SOWK 634 Advanced Rural Practice with Communities and Organizations

    This course is an advanced generalist practice course which is designed to prepare social work students for advanced generalist practice with a wide variety of populations in order to provide the best practice possible.  The rural social worker often does not have the luxury of being able to refer clients and must be able to intervene across multiple populations utilizing various intervention modalities.  This course focuses on working with communities and organizations using best practices and intervention methods appropriate to the changing contexts and populations.

  • SOWK 642 Advanced Rural Research Methods for Social Work

    This is the second research course and is required for both foundation and advanced students.  This research course is taken concurrently with Advanced Field Practicum.  The course emphasizes the application of research methods for the evaluation of practice effectiveness and/or program outcomes in rural practice.  Students will choose a client, group, or program in the field agency and engage in the evaluation process.  The course emphasizes the evaluation of evidence-based interventions and the utilization of the results to make practice decisions that improve the quality of services, initiate changes in policy, and improve delivery of social services.  Students will deepen their understanding of the essential components of a research project that were introduced in SOWK 541.

  • SOWK 653A, 653B, or 653C Advanced Field

    In the Advanced Field Practicum students complete 600 hours of field instruction.  SOWK 653A, B, and C are taken concurrently with SOWK 633, SOWK 642, SOWK 622, SOWK 634, and nine hours of SOWK 660.  The Advanced Field Practicum advances the skills, knowledge, and values of social work as applied to rural practice.

  • SOWK 660 Special Topics

    Electives will rotate and include issues relevant to rural social work practice that can change to respond to evolving contexts of practice and environment.  Students will take this course one (1) time in the Foundation Year and three (3) times in the Advanced Year for a total of twelve (12) hours.  Psychopathology will be offered as a standing elective for those students planning to engage in clinical practice.  Similarly, for students planning to advance their education a thesis option is available.  The thesis may be completed in lieu of taking the electives in the advanced year.

  • SOWK 661 Appalachian Culture, Structures, and Environment

    This advanced course integrates social work issues and methods from across the curriculum within a rural setting and Appalachian context.  The course builds upon the conceptual and historical foundations of rural practice and the unique Appalachian culture and resultant family, community, and delivery structures.  Further, the course explores mechanisms to build individual and community capacity, in part, by recognizing and exploring avenues of strength, inherent in and indigenous to, the environmental context of Appalachia.

  • SOWK 1001 Sign Language I

    Prerequisites: No prerequisite.
    An introductory skill development course in the art of manual communication.

  • SOWK 1002 Sign Language II

    Prerequisites: No prerequisite.
    An intermediate skill development course in the art of manual communication.



  • SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology

    A course reflecting the basic concerns of sociology and designed to fulfill the General Studies requirements for non-majors and for teacher certification.

    Term Offered: (F, S)
  • SOC 201 Social Problems

    An examination of issues of timely importance to Americans generally, and to West Virginians in particular, emphasizing sociological explanations of underlying social factors.

    Term Offered: (F)
  • SOC 207 Social Inequality and the Media

    Offers a sociological perspective on significant dimensions of social stratification, including race, class, gender and sexual orientation, through analysis of various forms of mass media.

  • SOC 210 Deviant Behavior

    A study of deviance as social process. Considers historical and cross-cultural variation in definitions of deviance; the process of labeling deviant behavior; and the development and management of deviant identities.

    Term Offered: (S)
  • SOC 220 Sociology of Gender

    An examination of gender as a cultural construction and an organizing principle of social structure. Topics covered include representations of gender in popular culture; gender socialization and the development of gender identity; and the gendered organization of various social institutions.

    Term Offered: (S)
    Note: Sociology students may also fulfill this requirement through GEOG 321, Advanced Cultural Geography.
  • SOC 230 Sociology of Law

    This course explores the complex relationships between the legal system and the everyday social world while also exploring the importance of authority, power and identity.  It provides students with tools and knowledge to critically analyze and better understand their social environment and everyday notions of legal authority and experience.

    Term Offered: (F)
  • SOC 301 Sociology of Families

    A study of the forms of family organization and structure; processes of courtship and relationship development; the contemporary role of families in society; parenthood; family crisis; family in transition.

    Term Offered: (F)
  • SOC 303 Criminology

    A study of the nature and formation of criminal behavior, societal values and structure, personality and community factors in crime; types of criminality; criminal law and procedure.

    Term Offered: (S)
  • SOC 307 Social Psychology

    An examination of the dynamics of people interacting with one another in American culture. Emphasis is on everyday occurrences and the interrelationship of individuals, groups, and society as a whole.

  • SOC 310 Cultural Anthropology

    A systematic survey of the customs, organizations and modes of life of humankind based on a scientific explanation of the way of culture.

  • SOC 320 Popular Culture

    Examines elements of contemporary American culture such as icons, heroes, myths, and rituals, which reflect the ideas, beliefs, and values of the culture.  Particular emphasis will be placed on the role of contemporary technologies, such as gaming, social networking and the Internet.

    Term Offered: Spring
    Note: Cross-listed with GEOG 460, Special Topics in Geography: The Geography of Popular Culture
  • SOC 330 Minority Group Relations

    A study of the nature and dynamics of social groups focusing on the socio-historical factors contributing to the existence and maintenance of minorities. The interlocking nature of oppression due to the manifestation of prejudice and discrimination based on ethnicity, race, age, gender, religion, and sexual orientation are stressed throughout the course.

  • SOC 350 Special Topics in Sociology

    Prerequisites: To be specified by instructor.
    Courses on various topics in sociology. Topics of study will be indicated on student’s transcript. May be taken for credit repeatedly.

  • SOC 398 Qualitative Methods in Sociological Research

    This course provides an introduction to qualitative research methods.  The course covers the basic procedures of participant observation and interviewing, the concepts underlying qualitative analysis, and the theoretical, ethical, and practical issues that arise while conducting qualitative social research.

    Term Offered: Spring
  • SOC 399 Quantitative Methods in Sociological Research

    Prerequisites: MATH 105  and  

    Examines quantitative methods of investigation and research in the social sciences; how to organize a project; use of documentary materials, data collection, including survey and polling techniques; data analysis, organization, and presentation of findings.

    Term Offered: (F)
    Three hours lecture, one hour laboratory.
  • SOC 406 Sociological Theory

    Prerequisites: Consent of the instructor.
    An analysis of contributions to sociological theory dating from the late 1800’s; special emphasis given to major school and theorists.

    Term Offered: (S)
  • SOC 450 Seminar in Sociology

    Practical experience in applied sociology.

  • SOC 460 Sociology Internship

    Prerequisites: Senior level sociology majors only.  Consent of Instructor required.
    The supervised internship provides students with the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations in an appropriate private, government or non-profit setting.

    Term Offered: Fall
  • SOC 480 Honors Courses

    Juniors and seniors who qualify for Honors Courses are offered the opportunity to study with individual members of the faculty. This is specialized study apart from conventional classroom work. Interested students should contact the Division Chairperson for further information.

    Term Offered: (F, S)
  • SOC 481 Honors Courses

    Juniors and seniors who qualify for Honors Courses are offered the opportunity to study with individual members of the faculty. This is specialized study apart from conventional classroom work. Interested students should contact the Division Chairperson for further information.

    Term Offered: (F, S)


  • SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I

    The most basic patterns of Spanish grammar. Emphasis on basic vocabulary and on developing skills in reading, writing, speaking, and comprehending the Spanish language. Emphasis on the present tense.

    Term Offered: (F, S)
    Note: Taught in English.
  • SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II

    Prerequisites: SPAN 101  or one year of high school Spanish or consent of instructor.
    Further development of skills in reading, writing, speaking, and comprehending. Expansion of tenses, moods, and sentence complexity.

    Term Offered: (F, S)
    Note: Taught in English.
  • SPAN 110 Advanced Beginning Spanish

    Students with some High School Spanish but who are not ready for SPAN 102  start at a higher level than SPAN 101 . The course catches up with SPAN 102  so that students completing it may enter SPAN 101 

    Term Offered: (F, S)
  • SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I

    Prerequisites: SPAN 101 -SPAN 102  or equivalent, or two years of high school Spanish, or consent of instructor.
    Readings in Hispanic cultures and literature; review and expansion of Spanish grammar and vocabulary; practice in writing, speaking, and comprehending the language.

    Term Offered: (F, S)
  • SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II

    Prerequisites: SPAN 101 -SPAN 102  and SPAN 201  or equivalent, or three years of high school Spanish, or consent of instructor.
    Further readings in Hispanic cultures and literature; review and enhancement of Spanish grammar and vocabulary; practice in writing, speaking, and comprehending the language. This course will give students the essential grammatical and cultural tools necessary to express themselves in upper level classes.

    Term Offered: (F, S)
  • SPAN 204A Special Topics in Hispanic Literature/Film.

    Prerequisites: ENGL 102  with grade of C or better.
    A special topics course open to both majors and non-majors, featuring the literature and film of Hispanic peoples.  Taught in English.

  • SPAN 260 Culture and Civilization of the Hispanic World

    This class will introduce students to a wide range of themes that surround the Hispanic World, such as “empire”, “discovery”, “identity” and “difference” in order to expand knowledge of important issues surrounding the peoples of Spain, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Latinos in the United States. Taught in English.

    Term Offered: (S)
    Note: Non-Spanish majors credit
  • SPAN 301 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition

    Prerequisites: SPAN 202  with grade of C or better, or placement.
    A writing-intensive course designed to develop advanced competency in written Spanish through the review of the finer points of grammar, general style and mechanics. of writing descriptive, narrative, Numerous writing assignments will include expositive and argumentative pieces, and in-class discussion will continue developing oral and aural competency.

    Term Offered: (F)
  • SPAN 302 Advanced Oral and Written Expression

    Prerequisites: SPAN 301  or equivalent.

    This course focuses on the development of advanced oral and written communication skills in communication with popular culture in Spanish. Attention will be focused on grammar, syntax, use of appropriate registers, necessary vocabulary, non-verbal and culturally specific cues.

    Term Offered: (S)
  • SPAN 305 Introduction to Literature in Spanish

    Prerequisites:   and  
    This course provides an introduction to Hispanic Literature and to the analysis of cultural texts.  As an introduction course the class will familiarize you with the basic tools for the analysis of film and three literary genres:  narrative, poetry, and drama. The course will focus on techniques of argumentative writing in Spanish and the building of your textual interpretation in both oral and written form.

    Term Offered: (Every Spring)
  • SPAN 310 Culture and Civilization of the Hispanic World

    Prerequisites:   and   or currently enrolled in SPAN 302.
    This class will introduce students to a wide range of themes that surround the Hispanic World, such as "empire", "discovery", "identity", and "difference" in order to expand knowledge of important issues surrounding the peoples of Spain, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Latinos in the United States.  Taught in English but students will produce all coursework in Spanish.

    Term Offered: (Every Spring)
    Also listed as:   (non Spanish majors)
    Note: Required for declared Spanish majors.
  • SPAN 321 Early Hispanic Literature and Culture

    Prerequisites:   or equivalent
    Engages Spanish and Colonial Spanish American culture(s) from the 10th through the 17th century, focusing on the development of critical reading skills and advanced fine-tuning of the students ability to converse culturally and linguistically with the Spanish speaking world.

    Term Offered: (Fall)
  • SPAN 331 Modern Hispanic Literature and Culture

    Prerequisites:   or equivalent
    Engages cultural production from Spain, Latin America and the Caribbean from the 18th to the beginning of the 20th century. Emphasis will be placed on traditional literary texts as well as visual material through focused reading, writing, and in-class conversation and debate.

  • SPAN 341 Hispanic Cultural Production of the XX and XXI Centuries


    Prerequisites:   or equivalent

    This class exposes students to the Spanish, Latin American, Caribbean, and US Latino/a cultural production of the XX and XXI centuries. Film, music, theatre, among others will give the student a rich material base from which to develop critical thinking skills. Structured in-class discussions and debates, as well as theme-based reflection papers will play a central role in refining the students' oral and written capacities.

  • SPAN 370 Advanced Studies

    Prerequisites: Permission of instructor
    Advanced and extended exploration of topics addressed in other Spanish courses at Concord.  This course is intended for students who have already successfully completed the appropriate lower numbered course.

    Term Offered: Irregular
  • SPAN 410 Methods in Teaching Spanish as a Second Language


    Prerequisites:   and   or equivalent

    An introduction to the theory and practice of teaching foreign languages and cultures, with particular attention to the issues of teaching Spanish language and Hispanic cultures in the United States. Students will participate in class discussions and micro-teachings, as well as syllabus and testing preparation. This course will be taught in English and Spanish.

  • SPAN 411 Practicum in the Teaching of Spanish as a Second Language

    Prerequisites: Simultaneously enrolled in  
    Supervised experience of Spanish instruction that is taken concurrent with SPAN 410 . This includes a minimum of 25 hours of field experience. Teaching certification in Pre-K through Adult requires field experience in preschool and elementary settings.

  • SPAN 421 Capstone in Hispanic Literature and Culture


    Prerequisites:   ,   , and   or permission of instructor.


    Offers the advanced student an opportunity to look closely into one or more thematic issues surrounding the Hispanic Culture.

    Term Offered: Every semester
    Note: Capstone for all Spanish majors taken during last semester prior to student teaching (BS ED) and final semester of senior year for Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree.

  • SPAN 450 Spanish Immersion Experience

    Prerequisites:  SPAN 301  and SPAN 302  or permission by instructor.
    Four weeks or more of study either in a Hispanic country or in an intensive Spanish Language program offered in the United States during the summer. Program and credits must be approved prior to travel.

    Term Offered: Summer
  • SPAN 470 Independent Study

    Prerequisites:   or equivalent
    This course is designed by the student through a proposal that is made in conjunction with the professor.  This class typically focuses on a specific author or theme of the student's interest that is not normally treated in other course offerings.

    Term Offered: Upon request

Special Education

  • SPED 303 Introduction to Special Education

    This course is required of all teacher candidates. Introduction to current issues and problems related to children and youth who deviate from the average in mental, physical, social and/or emotional characteristics to the extent that the appropriate least restrictive environment is provided. Research on each of the identified exceptionalities in special education is required. Topics of emphasis include: special education legislation, the special education process from referral to placement, response to intervention, developing individualized education plans (IEPs), positive behavior support and teaching strategies specific to exceptionalities. A grade of “C” or better required.

    Term Offered: (F, S)
  • SPED 309 Strategies for the Inclusive Environment

    Prerequisites: Admission into the Teacher Education Program, SPED 303 , EDUC 306 , or may be taken concurrently with EDUC 306 
    Co-requisites: Elementary majors must take SPED 309 concurrently with EDUC 311 , EDUC 312 , EDUC 313  and EDUC 314 .)

    This course is required of all teacher candidates.(Note: Physical Education teacher candidates must take P ED 407 Adapted Physical Education  instead of SPED 309.) The course provides teacher candidates an overview of special education and the federal requirements that govern the educational process. The course is designed to prepare teacher candidates to meet the diverse needs of all learners in inclusive general education environments. Emphasis is placed on the identification of the individual needs of special education students and the development of effective instructional strategies/teaching techniques to address those needs. Topics will include: parent and community involvement, social and multicultural issues, and classroom management techniques. A 25-hour field placement is required. A grade of C or better is required.

    Term Offered: (F, S)
  • SPED 325 Families and Communities

    Co-requisites: EDUC 305  or consent of instructor.

    Included are simulations of interpersonal skills effective with families, professionals, and paraprofessionals involved with the child. The role of external groups and establishment of effective home-school-community interaction are studied. Interviews are required.

    Term Offered: (F)
  • SPED 326 Development of Communication Systems

    Prerequisites: EDUC 305  or consent of instructor.
    Examines the sequence and theories of normal and abnormal communication in children. Methods for assessment and facilitation of language development are studied. A 10-hour school-based field experience is required

    Term Offered: (S)
  • SPED 328 Classroom and Behavior Management In Early Childhood Settings

    Prerequisites: E ED 265 , EDUC 304 .
    Emphasizes procedures for and uses of effective behavior and classroom management for the Birth-K population. Candidates will study ways to create developmentally and functionally appropriate learning environments that support safe, equitable, positive and supportive learning in which diversities are valued. Candidates will also gain experience in the use of functional behavior assessment and behavior intervention.

  • SPED 350 Assessment, Curriculum and Planning for Students with Mild Disabilities

    Prerequisites: SPED 303  or consent of instructor.
    The focal points of this course are educational assessment, evaluation and designing appropriate instruction for students with mild disabilities. Students will use various assessment techniques and plan for instruction based on assessment data. Additionally, the course focuses on the general curricular and program needs of special education students from early childhood through adolescent levels. Topics include formal and informal assessment, curriculum development, and planning instructional strategies, IEP development and implementation, collaborative consultation, and transition services. A 20-hour field experience is required.

    Term Offered: (F)
  • SPED 402 Early Identification and Inclusion.

    Prerequisites: EDUC 305 .
    Methods and materials for identification, intervention, and developmental interaction with young children having mild and moderate conditions are studied.

  • SPED 403 Intervention with Young Children

    Prerequisites: Admission to teacher education, EDUC 306 , SPED 303  and SPED 402  or consent of instructor.
    Alternative curricular approaches for intervention with infants and toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten children having severe and profound conditions are examined. Home-based intervention programming is included. A 26-hour field experience is required.

    Term Offered: (S)

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