2017-2018 Academic Catalog (August 2017 - July 2018) 
    Feb 10, 2025  
2017-2018 Academic Catalog (August 2017 - July 2018) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academics - Withdrawal from the University

Withdrawal from the University

A student withdrawing from the University during any semester or summer term will be given grades of W in all courses provided that the student has completed withdrawal procedures prior to the beginning of the last week of classes for that semester or term. In summer terms only, no grade will appear on his or her transcript, provided the withdrawal is made before the end of the third instructional day. If withdrawal is completed after these deadlines, one of the following grades will be assigned in each course in which the student was enrolled: A, B, C, D, F, I, or P.

Refunds for withdrawal from the University will be based upon the student's last verified date of attendance and the appropriate percentage rate associate with that date.  Students should refer to the Refunds  section of Tuition, Fees and Expenses for additional information.

Students who wish to only withdraw from a course or selected courses rather than the entire semester should refer to the Adding/Dropping Courses  section of the Academic Catalog.

Student Initiated Withdrawal Process

To withdraw from the University a student must complete the Academic Success Center's on-line Withdrawal Form.  Students are strongly encouraged to contact their faculty advisor or the Academic Success Center prior to completing the form.

Federal Unofficial Withdrawal Policy

Federal regulations state that if a student began attendance and has not officially withdrawn fails to earn a passing grade in at least one course over an entire enrollment period, the institution must assume (for federal aid purposes) that the student has unofficially withdrawn, unless the institution can document that the student completed the period.

Concord University is not required to take attendance.  Per federal regulations, the withdrawal date for an unofficial withdrawal for institutions not required to take attendance is the midpoint of the period of enrollment or the last date of an academically related activity that the student participated.  The Registrar's Office has asked faculty to enter a last date of attendance for students receiving an F grade.  For students identified as not earning a passing grade (any combination of F, I, W) for the semester, the midpoint of the enrollment period will be used if there is no date listed by an instructor in a course in a program of study.  If an instructor provides a last date of attendance, that date will be used to determine if a refund  must be performed.  If more than one instructor provides a date, the later date will be used as long as it is prior to the last published date to withdraw from the University for the semester.  Concord University will transmit the last date of attendance to The National Student Clearinghouse.  Loan repayment will be based upon the last of date attendance; not the end of the term.

Students subject to the Federal Unofficial Withdrawal Policy will be notified of the withdrawal date, the percentage of refund adjustment used in the calculation and any balance due to the University after adjustments to institutional charges and financial aid payments.  The student is informed that they can appeal the date used by providing written documentation from one instructor that they earned the F grade or attended past the refund period.  Upon receipt of written documentation, the Registrar, Business Office and Financial Aid offices will review to determine if a revised calculation needs to be performed.  If appeal is approved, all prior grades and end of term academic standing  will be reinstated.  Withdrawals and changes to academic standing may affect your eligibility for financial aid under the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.

Note:  A student dismissed from class for disruptive behavior will receive a grade of F and may not subsequently withdraw from the class.