2020-2021 Academic Catalog (August 2020 - July 2021) 
    Feb 12, 2025  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog (August 2020 - July 2021) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Federal Policies

Affirmative Action and Non-discrimination Policies

The Concord University Affirmative Action / Equal Employment Opportunity Officer actively monitors university practices and processes to ensure equal access and opportunity to educational and employment opportunities.  The university has Affirmative Action Plans for Women and Minorities, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities and seeks to actively and intentionally comply with Federal and State Regulations regarding equal employment and education. The Director of Human Resources is the Affirmative Action / Equal Employment Officer and is located in Room 332 in Marsh Hall.

As an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, Concord University affords all prospective and current members of the student body, faculty, and staff equal opportunity on the basis of individual qualifications and merit without regard to race, color, religion, age, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender or gender identity, or disability as identified and defined by regulations and law. The University neither affiliates knowingly with nor grants recognition to any individual, group, or organization having policies that discriminate on these bases.

The University's Board of Governor's has adopted an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Policy to affirm the University's expectation for equal employment opportunity. The policy, Board of Governors' Policy No. 47, can be found at http://www.concord.edu/administration/board-governors/policies. The University is in compliance with Federal Executive Order 11246 as amended, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the West Virginia Human Rights Act, Title IX (Educational Amendments of 1972), Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and other applicable laws and regulations. For complaints or concerns relating to Title IX, please see the Concord University Student Handbook for policies and protocols, or request copies from the Office of Student Affairs.


The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability as identified and defined by regulations and law, in the administration of admissions, educational policies, curriculum, the selection of textbooks, scholarship and loan programs, athletic opportunities, and employment.

Sexual Harassment

Concord University will not and does not tolerate sexual harassment in any form. The University herein affirms that employees have a right to work and students have a right to study in a positive atmosphere free from sexual harassment and abuse.

To that end, Concord University has adopted a Sexual Harassment Policy which gives the definition of harassment and outlines the procedures to follow in the event a student or employee believes harassment is occurring or has occurred. Copies of the entire policy are available from faculty advisers, administrative offices, residence hall directors, the Office of Housing and Student Residential Life, the Office of Public Safety, the Office of the Provost, the President's Office, and the Office of Human Resources. It also may be found as Policy No. 37 at http://www.concord.edu/administration/boardgovernors/policies.

Disability Services

The Office of Disabilities Services exists to provide the supportive environment necessary for students to achieve their academic goals. This office provides reasonable educational accommodations, advocates for an accessible learning environment and promotes self-advocacy and responsibility on the part of the students which it serves.

Students with disabilities have rights granted by two civil rights laws. These laws are the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Basically, these laws provide students with the following rights:

  • Equal access to post-secondary education
  • Non-discrimination
  • Appropriate and reasonable accommodations based on each student's individual disability and how it affects learning and
  • The right to have information about the student's disability kept confidential.

Student Responsibilities

  • The responsibility to disclose your disability
  • The responsibility to provide the Office of Disability Services with adequate documentation of your disability
  • The responsibility to meet with the Disability Services Coordinator at the beginning of each semester to set up appropriate accommodations
  • The responsibility to meet the academic and conduct standards in place at Concord University


  • Are defined as a change in how things are usually done, and may be granted to a student with a disability if that disability affects his/her functioning
  • Provide students with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in school
  • Must be appropriate and effective for each individual
  • Cannot fundamentally alter a program or course
  • Cannot lower or change the academic or conduct standards of Concord University
  • Cannot cause an undue burden
  • Will not be provided without adequate documentation

The Letter of Accommodation Process

Any Concord University student who (1) discloses a disability to the Disability Services Coordinator, (2) presents adequate documentation of the disability and requests accommodations that are appropriate for the effects of the disability, will receive a letter of accommodation. The Disability Services Coordinator writes the letter of accommodation which states the necessary accommodations for each course. The letter of accommodation does not state what disability the student has. When the student is requesting accommodations that involve the instructor or the classroom setting, the student must share a copy of the letter of accommodation with the instructor for the accommodations to be implemented. For example, if the student has an approved accommodation of extended test time, the instructor will not be able to provide extended test time without a copy of the letter of accommodation.